Grocery Coupons & Specials

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Grocery specials.

Everyone runs them. Every grocery store has specials, coupons, and sales—opportunities for you to save money at their store. You like them because they save you money. We like them because they reward our regular customers for their loyalty, and bring new customers into the store.

But we’re often surprised to hear people say that they don’t use coupons or specials. Why on earth not? These days, anything that people can save is well worth the effort, isn’t it?

We’ve collected a few myths that people seem to have about using coupons or taking advantage of store specials:

  1. ”There are never coupons for the things that I want to buy.” Not true, unless you never brush your teeth, eat vegetables or bread, or use paper towels or aluminum foil. All of these and more are items that are often supported by coupons or specials. What most people mean is that the special isn’t for the specific brand they usually buy… but why not try something different? Expand your horizons and you might discover some new favorites!
  2. ”Coupons never save enough money to be worth the effort.”Well, it depends on how much money is “enough,” doesn’t it? But there are ways to make your coupons go farther, especially if you align them with items on sale.
  3. ”I know that I can save money, but I don’t have storage space.”Seriously? One of the best ways to save money at the grocery store is to stock up when items are on sale or when you have coupons for them. A gentle rearranging of your pantry or cupboards might just do the trick.
  4. ”It takes forever to clip coupons.”Ah, but we’re going to make that easier for you! Watch over the next few months as Bliss Shurfine Food Mart starts offering easy-to-access and easy-to-use virtual coupons. We think you’ll love them.
  5. “Coupons tempt you to buy items you normally wouldn’t.” Anything can tempt you at any time. We’d argue that trying new items is a good idea—it can get you out of a rut. But coupons will help you stick to your budget in the long term.

Coupons, sales, and specials can all help you save money as long as you create and stick to a grocery budget. For more ideas on how to save money, ask any of our sales associates here at Bluss Shurfine Food Mart. We’re here to help!