5 Healthy Eating (and Shopping!) Tips

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Well, we’re into February now. How many of you vowed that 2015 would be your year to get fit, to lose weight, to become healthy? And how is that going for you?

Here are five very simple tips to get (or keep) you on the right track:

  1. Fill half of your plate with fruits and vegetables: it makes eating colorful as well as healthy! Fruit isn’t just for dessert: consider adding it as a side dish to your meal along with a good helping of vegetables. And don’t stop at just one vegetable: both you and your kids will be more likely to eat more of the good stuff if more is on offer.
  2. Let’s stick with talking about half: half of the grains you eat should be whole grains. This may be the easiest switch of all! Take something that you already eat—bread, for example—and switch it from refined-grain to whole-grain. That was easy, wasn’t it? Read your labels: anything that lists whole grains first is going to be better for you.
  3. Vary your protein sources, and keep them lean. You don’t need to eat chicken or beef every night. Meat, poultry, seafood, dry beans or peas, eggs, nuts, and seeds are considered part of the protein foods group. Try and purchase meat that is 90% lean: better tasting, less waste, and better for you!
  4. Drink water. We all reach for sugary drinks, or sugar-free drinks, but water is the best way to hydrate your body and keep it hydrated. If it’s flavor you’re looking for, add some real fruit to your drink—lemons, limes, watermelon, even cucumber make excellent refreshing drinks without calories or chemicals.
  5. Despite the occasional scares about contamination, seafood is really good for you. Your diet should include fish (salmon, tuna, and trout) and shellfish (crab, mussels, and oysters); seafood has protein, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids (heart-healthy fat).

So let’s get back to those New Year’s Resolutions and make 2015 the best year ever! At Bliss Shurfine Food Mart, we have all the healthy ingredients to support your new new, healthy life: the freshest produce, the leanest meat, and the most amazing ideas for varying your menu. Come by and ask us how to get healthy in 2015!